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Freedom Camping Etiquette

Respecting The Environment And Others

New Zealand is a country of pristine and breath-taking beauty and a great way to experience this is by freedom camping. In order to preserve our environment for visitors, locals and future generations to enjoy, please make yourself familiar with our freedom camping etiquette and the 'Kiwi' saying "leave only footprints".

Freedom Camping Etiquette

All independent overnight and Freedom Campers must behave in an acceptable manner while camping in New Zealand.

This includes:

  • Checking where you can park or camp
  • Not camping on private land
  • Leaving your campsite(s) in a clean and tidy state
  • Limiting stays at any one site to a maximum of 2 nights in any calendar month
  • Disposing of all toilet and waste water at a Council approved dump stations 
  • Disposing of all other refuse in approved bags and at approved locations
  • Following safe fire practices at all times, including adhering to fire bans
  • Keeping dogs under control

Dump stations:

There are dump stations in every district. Find locations here.

Useful websites/apps to assist your travel:


Whether you’re a local, or you’re here on holiday, we all have a shared responsibility to look after this awesome place. Watch the latest video from the Department of Conservation with some cool tips on how we can appropriately interact with nature and our environment. 

