Unlocking The Potential Of Hemp
A Christchurch company supplying premium wool yarn for high-end residential carpets and private jets is branching out to make sustainable products from hemp, the cannabis crop grown for industrial use.
Everything from Formula 1 race cars and America’s Cup boats to super strong, lightweight road racing bikes — Colin McKenzie believes anything made with carbon fibre could, one day, be produced more sustainably with material made from hemp fibre and bioresin.
But that’s in the future, once the technology and processes are refined.
First, Rubisco's Chief of Innovation is focused on other hemp products and setting up its hemp decorticator, a highly specialised machine imported from the United Kingdom which takes hemp stalks and separates them into fibre and hurd (the woody, inner part of the stalk).
“It’s like a start-up business. We’re on the ground floor of a brand-new industry in New Zealand,” McKenzie said.
Rubisco Chief of Innovation and Global Business - Colin McKenzieWe’re very excited about hemp as a new industry, but also hemp and wool hybrid products, which aren’t being done globally.”
Rubisco is a subsidiary of Carrfields NZ, a major national agritech company, and prides itself on producing premium, bespoke yarn products — 95 per cent of its orders are exported overseas, mostly for high-end residential soft flooring.
The business also has clients making carpets for private jets.
Commercial flights were largely grounded at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, something McKenzie said led to an increase in the use of private aircraft. That flowed down to Rubisco, which saw an uptick in demand from its clients refurbishing and fitting out private jets in the United States.
“They refit them every three years,” McKenzie said.
The Rubisco factory in Christchurch receives about 5000 bales of wool a year and can produce as much as 1 million kilograms of yarn, most of which gets exported via Lyttelton Port.
So how did that happen?
In 2018, HempNZ, which describes itself as the largest hemp company in the country, bought into Rubisco; McKenzie said at the time HempNZ had been looking for a hemp fibre factory, and happened to be working with Carrfields looking at harvesting solutions for hemp.
“Carrfields obviously said ‘we have a fibre factory already in Christchurch’, and that’s how the two businesses came together.”
Since that serendipitous start, progress has been steady. In 2019, Carrfields sourced hemp from 50-odd Canterbury farmers who, collectively, had grown about 1000 hectares of the crop. The backing from Carrfields put Rubisco in a unique position when it came to the New Zealand hemp industry, McKenzie said.
“We’re the only business that is end-to-end in terms of the supply chain and has got the scale to make a difference.”
Rubisco has been working with research partners the University of Canterbury and Auckland University of Technology (AUT) on product development and is trialing hemp fibre products such as geotextiles (used for things like land stabilisation and weed matting) and thermo packaging, which can be used in place of polystyrene to keep food cool.
The company is in the process of getting the decorticator, which can process two tons of hemp stalks an hour, set up.
Other possible products include ‘hempcrete’, a building material made using hurd, apparel and — in the future — the substitute carbon fibre material.
“We’re not going to be just traders of hemp fibre,” McKenzie said.
“We’ll be partnering with like-minded companies on and offshore to add as much value as we can.”